Our commitments

At Cerba HealthCare, we see corporate social responsibility as an integral part of our commitment to improving health and patient care.

Ketterthill Laboratory is involved

Since its creation, Ketterthill Laboratory has been committed to sustainable growth. In order to reconcile economic development, respect for people and environmental preservation, we have implemented a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy.

Our CSR strategy

Cerba HealthCare’s CSR strategy is based on 4 main pillars, with associated governance, roadmaps and objectives, at both Group and entity level. It aims to maximize the positive impacts of our activities and mission, and to improve the Group’s social and environmental impact.

suivi grossesse- analyses

Contribute to the health of all

Développer le capital humain

Develop human capital

nos engagement - impact environnemental

Reduce the environmental impact of our activities

nos engagements - ethique

Be exemplary in our business ethics

Our commitments

Parité & diversité dans nos équipes

Parity and diversity in our teams

Our Human Resources policy is focused on fostering a multicultural working environment and promoting the diversity of our teams. We ensure equal treatment for all our employees in terms of recruitment, promotion, professional training and working conditions.

Since September 26th, 2012, we have been a member of the Letzbuerg Diversity Charter, a symbol of our internal commitment to combating all forms of discrimination.

Environmental preservation

At Ketterthill, our mission is to minimize the carbon impact of our business on the planet.

Among other initiatives, we have chosen to switch to green electricity, which is more respectful of the environment, on all our sites, as well as the total greening of our vehicle fleet by …….

Thanks to a collective effort on behalf of all our employees, our approach enables us to be more responsible and to limit our consumption to that which is strictly necessary for the proper functioning of our business. We monitor our energy consumption and our action plan on a monthly basis.

Préservation de l'environnement
Tri de nos déchets

Waste sorting

We have developed requirements to minimize the harmful effects of our activities on the environment. This also includes the reduction and recycling of our waste.

Since 2009, we have held the SuperDrecksKëscht label, attesting to the implementation of an ecological waste management plan for all our sampling centers and the Laboratory’s technical platform.


Beyond our energy consumption, climate preservation also involves reducing paper consumption. That’s why we are working hand in hand with our teams and service providers to digitalize our various processes.

We are also constantly improving our digital supports to make them more accessible, and to encourage our patients to receive results this way.

Digitalisation de nos process
Éthique des affaires

Business ethics

Within our Group, business ethics is also a key pillar of our CSR approach. Our suppliers are thus committed to economic development that respects people and the environment.

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