Pregnancy follow-up

Mothers-to-be often have questions about the biological tests requested by their doctor.

Suivi de grossesse

Why should I do them? What are the risks for my future baby? What should I do?

You’ll find all the information you need about the tests your gynecologist-obstetrician may prescribe, as well as advice on how to make the most of your pregnancy.

This information in no way replaces the doctor, who remains the preferred contact for pregnant women.

Analyses performed in the laboratory

suivi grossesse- heureux event

Are you expecting a baby ?

We provide analysis assistance throughout your pregnancy

suivi grossesse- analyses

Tests to be performed during pregnancy

What and why are usually analyses performed ?

suivi grossesse- alimentation

Nutrition during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the ideal time to adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet.

Confirm my pregnancy with a blood test

Pregnancy tests

suivi de grossesse

Pregnancy follow-up

Our other services

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Blood test for children
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